[FFmpeg-user] down sampling

Michael Koch astroelectronic at t-online.de
Sat Dec 29 23:35:35 EET 2018

>> Might it be part of the problem that I'm starting ffmpeg from a batch file?
>> This is the content of the batch file:
>> c://ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i 699.mp4 -f nut - ^| c://ffmpeg/ffplay -
> Why did you add the caret?

I thought that in a batch file the | character must be escaped with a ^ 
character. As documented here: 

You see that the ^ doesn't appear in the console output.

> And even more important, why did you not post your actual command line when we asked?

But the command line that ffmpeg got is correct, isn't it?

> Works fine here (unless I add funny characters) here with Windows cmd, both with and without using a batch file.

It's not yet working here with a batch file. Please post your batch file.


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