[FFmpeg-user] FFPROBE reporting all I-Frames as Keyframes

Edilson tecnicoedilson at yahoo.com.br
Wed Aug 1 20:16:00 EEST 2018

So, as the subject describes, FFPROBE analysis reports thatall I-Frames in a TS file are keyframes.

Running the same analysis on a professional MPEG-TS file analyzer,it shows that the keyframes are in the interval of 2s, just as configured onthe encoder, and the rest of the frames are regular (non IDR).

ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_frames -show_streams -unit -select_streams v "D:\CH621.ts" > "D:\CH621.ts.json" -skip_frame nointra

The above output is attached.

Can someone help me understand why?

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