[FFmpeg-user] Stereo AAC
Frank Haefemeier
media at frank.haefemeier.eu
Tue Apr 17 23:24:12 EEST 2018
Am Montag, den 16.04.2018, 16:02 -0400 schrieb antony baxter:
> Hi all,
> I have some video files with a DTS audio stream. I'm trying to add a
> couple of additional audio streams into the file, transcoded from the
> DTS stream. My command line is:
> ffmpeg
> -i "${input}"
> -map 0:0
> -map 0:1
> -map 0:1
> -map 0:1
> -c:v copy
> -movflags +faststart
> -c:a:0 aac
> -b:a:0 192k
> -ac 2
> -metadata:s:a:0 title="AAC Stereo Audio"
> -c:a:1 ac3
> -ac 6
> -metadata:s:a:1 title="AC3 5.1 Audio"
> -c:a:2 copy
> -disposition:a -default
> -disposition:a:0 default
> -f mp4
> "${output}.mp4"
If you not specifiy the right mapping index by 'ac' parameter it will
default to zero. In your case '-ac 6' will overwrite '-ac 2'. Use '-
ac:1 2' and '-ac:2 6' and you will get what you expected. Please take
care of the different index numbers between 'ac' and '-b:a' for
example. It is related to the map paramter not to the related audio
output stream index. The '-ac:2 6' parameter can safely be deleted,
because the channel definition will be taken from the source stream.
For a better reading (and in some cases the order has an impact to
ffmpeg) you should order your parameter a little bit. Write all related
parameters together directly behind the corresponding '-map'. '-f'
parameter can be deleted as well, ouput file extension give the hint
for ffmpeg autodetection.
ffmpeg -i "${input}"
-map 0:0
-c:v copy
-movflags +faststart
-map 0:1
-c:a:0 aac
-b:a:0 192k
-ac:1 2
-metadata:s:a:0 title="AAC Stereo Audio"
-disposition:a:0 default
-map 0:1
-c:a:1 ac3
-ac:2 6
-metadata:s:a:1 title="AC3 5.1 Audio"
-map 0:1
-c:a:2 copy
-f mp4
I deleted '-disposition:a -default', because it will not work in this
way, IMHO
P.S.: It is untested!
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