[FFmpeg-user] Seeking Programmer

Beau Sinclair bsinclair at infinityvideosystems.com
Fri Apr 6 04:16:08 EEST 2018

I have an immediate need for a programmer who can automate my workflow. I
have been told to look into FFMpeg. This is way over my head but the
service I provide desperately needs it.

Here is an example, I need to be able to film an hour session. Based off of
timing data I am getting from a timing system, I want to be able to cut out
individual clips from that session as it is going without having to
manually move segmented files into Premier or Vegas, create regions, apply
pan/crop values, render out new clips, etc...  I need a program that can
watch my video file grow and take pieces of it that i need with very
specific in/out points determined by the data coming from that timing
system, apply the same set of pan/crop values to each and place the cuts in
a folder, labeled with name data also taken from the timing data. That's

Can anyone *please* point me in the right direction?

Beau Sinclair
Business Development Manager
Infinity Video Systems
Mill Valley, CA
Mobile: 828-244-8728
Office: 415-877-4230

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