[FFmpeg-user] Properly download/trim a hls-stream which reports invalid timestamps

Moritz Barsnick barsnick at gmx.net
Sat Nov 18 03:46:15 EET 2017

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 20:48:47 +0100, Reino Wijnsma wrote:
> Youtube-dl by default uses FFmpeg to download the hls-stream, but with
> --hls-prefer-native it can do it on its own.
> The mp4-extension is misleading btw, because Youtube-dl lacks the
> '-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc'-conversion. Therefore the output is in fact a
> MPEG-TS file.

No, the mp4 extension is misleading because it's an MPEG-TS, what HLS
natively carries. (Or does HLS offer other sub-containers?) Youtube-dl
claims to "fix" the incorrect "ADTS in MP4", when it actually
effectively simply converts MPEG-TS (which correctly uses ADTS) to MP4.
I wanted to file a bug, but ... *sigh*

In order not to have youtube-dl remux the downloaded, reassembled
MPEG-TS to MP4, add "--fixup never".

Have you managed to hand an arbitrary m3u8 URL to youtube-dl for
download? I'd love to use it that way, but youtube-dl sometimes doesn't
get my point.


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