[FFmpeg-user] ffplay and usb dvb-t tuner

James Bird jamessmtp at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 13:18:34 EEST 2017


I am new to linux / video / ffplay. I am trying to follow instructions here:


I am using a Raspberry Pi / Raspbian Jessie. The Raspbian/Debian binary package build has renamed ffplay to avplay.

avplay -version
avplay version 11.9-6:11.9-1~deb8u1+rpi1, Copyright (c) 2003-2017 the Libav developers
  built on Apr 26 2017 06:57:28 with gcc 4.9.2 (Raspbian 4.9.2-10)
avplay 11.9-6:11.9-1~deb8u1+rpi1
libavutil     54.  3. 0 / 54.  3. 0
libavcodec    56.  1. 0 / 56.  1. 0
libavformat   56.  1. 0 / 56.  1. 0
libavdevice   55.  0. 0 / 55.  0. 0
libavfilter    5.  0. 0 /  5.  0. 0
libavresample  2.  1. 0 /  2.  1. 0
libswscale     3.  0. 0 /  3.  0. 0

I have been able to use dvbv5-scan to create a channels.conf file, and I can use dvbv5-zap to lock onto a channel. 

dvbv5-zap '7Mate Brisbane' -r > zap.log 2>&1

zap.log is attached.

Something is wrong when I try to play the stream using avplay (ffplay), but I don’t know how to find the problem. Here’s what command I’m using:

avplay -x 680 -y 480 -f mpegts /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 > ffplay.log 2>&1

ffplay.log is attached.

I also tried:
$ cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 > this
and in parallel
$ ffplay this

But it gives the same result. 

Could anyone assist?

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