[FFmpeg-user] Convert to: Apple PRO RES 422 (HQ)

saeed vayghani saeed.uni68 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 23 16:09:08 EET 2017

Hello guys,

Our problem is about to converting videos to apple quick time format.
The difficult part is matching output with apple recommended specification.
Please help us to find what switches should we use?

This is my draft command: 
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v prores -profile:v 2 -vf scale=1920x1080 -codec:a pcm_s16le -b:a 1536k output.mov


 Apple recommended specification.

File Format :
QuickTime (.mov files)

Codec :
Apple PRO RES 422 (HQ)

Size :
1920x1080 pixels

Video Bitrate :
~220 Mb/s

Framerate :
24 or 25 fps

Colorspace :
YUV 422

Pixel ratio :
Ratio must be 1:1 (square pixel)

Progressive :
The video must not be interlaced

Black frame begin/end :
The video must contain one black frame at the beginning and at the end

Black bar scopes and logos :
No logo will be accepted
Black bars accepted but we need crop size information (in pixels) :
* crop left: The number of whole pixels from the left of the encoded image to remove.
* crop top: The number of whole pixels from the top of the encoded image to remove.
* crop right: The number of whole pixels from the right of the encoded image to remove.
* crop bottom: The number of whole pixels from the bottom of the encoded image to remove.

Sound Quality :
Codec : PCM
Sampling frequency : 48 kHz
Sample size : 16 bits
Audio bitrate : ~1536 kb/s
Channels : 2 (stereo)

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