[FFmpeg-user] Unable to make FFMPEG to work with Icecast2 Server

Moritz Barsnick barsnick at gmx.net
Mon Dec 4 16:58:42 EET 2017

On Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 15:01:41 +0100, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> > Um, since the prompt tells us it's Windows/DOS, I'm sure the ffmpeg
> > executable should be called with "ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg" (i.e. backslaches
> > as path separator).
> Or possibly "ffmpeg" alone which may explain the error message?

Yes! Now it makes sense. I was wondering why ffmpeg was looking for an
*output* format, but missed the fact that every non-option will be
interpreted as an output.

And "DOS" interprets '/' as an option separator, and accepts options
directly behind the executable's name without separating whitespace.

Edgar, you know what to do now?


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