[FFmpeg-user] No Time to Wait symposium, Nov 9-10 2017 @ Vienna, Austria

Dave Rice dave at dericed.com
Wed Aug 9 19:32:43 EEST 2017

Hello FFmpeg communities,

MediaArea and the Österreichisches Filmmuseum - Austrian Film Museum are pleased to announce a 2nd No Time to Wait symposium, hosted by the Austrian Film Museum. Members of audiovisual archiving, digital preservation, open media development, and open format standardization communities as well as curious onlookers are welcome to attend, discuss, and present on subjects pertaining to our theme: the intersection of open media, standardization, and audiovisual preservation. With support from PREFORMA, co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme, and the Austrian Film Museum, the registration is free.


When: Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10, 2017
Where: Österreichisches Filmmuseum - Austrian Film Museum, Vienna Austria, http://filmmuseum.at/

Free Registration: http://bit.ly/nttw2signup

Call for Proposals: http://bit.ly/nttw2proposals

Please watch the website for No Time to Wait 2 for updates at https://mediaarea.net/MediaConch/notimetowait2.html. Feel welcome to send any questions to info at mediaarea.net.

Information regarding the 1st No Time to Wait symposium (from 2016) may be found at: the symposium’s webpage (https://mediaarea.net/MediaConch/notimetowait.html), a GitHub repository of resulting materials (https://github.com/preforma/notimetowait), a blog post here (https://mediaarea.net/MediaConch/2016/07/26/No-Time-To-Wait-Preservation-FFV1-Matroska-Symposium/), another blog post here (https://www.beeldengeluid.nl/en/blogs/research-amp-development-en/201607/tools-trade), and a Storify of our tweets (https://storify.com/ablwr/no-time-to-wait).

Kind Regards,

Dave Rice
#notimetowait co-organizer

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