[FFmpeg-user] problem

Mohamad Rasool mohamad.r620 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 9 21:04:22 EET 2016

./compat/windows/mslink -libpath:/d/TBuild/Libraries/opus/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release celt.lib silk_common.lib silk_float.lib -nologo -out:./ffconf.En3dYNpx.exe ./ffconf.bcMMIXWq.o
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LIBCMT.lib'
C compiler test failed.


My OS is "Windows10 x64"
I have Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 installed on "C" drive
I create "TBuild" folder on my "D" drive
I have checked my PATH that is true to my bin directoy in "/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/BIN"

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