[FFmpeg-user] MTS to MOV with different audio codec

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue May 31 11:29:15 CEST 2016

Mateusz Sołtys <bugzolsoto <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Everything looks ok untill i open converted file .avi works 
> with 50i while .mov cannot play 50i, intead it's just 25p.

Do you mean the output file does not play in-sync with some 
or all media players? That video plays with wrong speed?

Video codecs generally only know frames (no fields), so there 
is no difference between 50 fields per seconds and 25 frames 
per second.

Otoh, it is known that FFmpeg does not always deal correctly 
with h264 timestamps

Carl Eugen

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