[FFmpeg-user] Dynamically linking to OpenJPEG 2 library

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Mar 28 21:49:18 CEST 2016

Am 28.03.2016 um 21:43 schrieb Aaron Boxer:
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>
> wrote:
>> Am 28.03.2016 um 19:54 schrieb Aaron Boxer:
>>> Thanks, I did a fresh ubuntu install, cloned FFmpeg, downloaded openjpeg
>>> from the current release,
>>> and it did build with no errors.
>>> The strange part is if I build openjpeg from the current repo master, I
>>> get
>>> the undefined reference errors.
>>> So, it looks like a bug in current openjpeg master
>> most projects have a good reason to distinct between master and releases,
>> AFAIK ffmpeg itself is the only one trusting it's master quality that much
>> to even recommend it
> Yes, true. I tend to be an optimist - assuming everything is stable on the
> master

you should stop to be an optimist from the moment on things are not 
working as you expected before report problems somewhere and stick at 
stable for any peice of software you use

trying master is only the way to go if you have any problems because 
*then* you can start be an optimist and hope this problems are solved 
but made it not in a release

that's how building of software in general works

> In this case, I don't think it is strictly a bug. It is more that OpenJPEG
> changes how the symbols
> were exported, I think

don't matter - when they change something in master nobody knows if that 
change is completly finished, will be reverted and so no other projects 
are supposed to change their parts of using a library premature

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