[FFmpeg-user] Building FFmpeg with OpenJPEG 2.0

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Mar 23 17:32:55 CET 2016

Aaron Boxer <boxerab <at> gmail.com> writes:

> $ ./configure --enable-libopenjpeg
> --extra_cflags="-DHAVE_OPEN_OPENJPEG_2_1_OPENJPEG_H"
> Now, from  the ffmpeg -h command,  it looks like openjpeg is 
> used for encoding, while ffmpeg j2k is used for decoding.

This sounds very unlikely / command line and complete, 
uncut console output missing.

Please do not top-post here, it is considered rude.

Carl Eugen

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