[FFmpeg-user] HLS: playlist vs segment duration mismatch

Zsolt zsocam at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 12:40:34 CET 2016

Hello guys,
any ideas?

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:48 AM Zsolt <zsocam at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:46 AM Zsolt <zsocam at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm creating a HLS live video with this command:
>> ffmpeg -i udp://**** -ignore_unknown \
>> \
>> -map $CHANNELID1 -map $CHANNELID2 \
>> -filter:v yadif \
>> -pix_fmt yuv420p \
>> -c:v:0 libx264 \
>> -r 25 \
>> -profile:v high -level 4.0 \
>> -b:v $BIT1 \
>> -bufsize $BIT1 \
>> -vf scale=$RES1 \
>> -g 250 \
>> -keyint_min 250 \
>> -sc_threshold 0 \
>> -c:a:0 libfdk_aac \
>> -b:a $AUD1 \
>> -cutoff 18000 \
>> -hls_segment_filename /dev/shm/live/segment_"$BIT1"_%01d.ts \
>> -hls_wrap 10 \
>> -hls_time 10 \
>> -hls_list_size 10 \
>> /dev/shm/live/index_$BIT1.m3u8 \
>> Output attached.
> In this email. Sorry.
>> I'd like to validate it with Apple's Media Stream Validator.
>> It says the following error:
>>    1. Error: Playlist vs segment duration mismatch
>>    2. --> Detail:  Segment duration 8.8800, Playlist duration: 10.0000
>>    3. --> Source:  index_300k.m3u8 - segment_300k_8.ts
>>    4.
>>    5. --> Detail:  Segment duration 0.0000, Playlist duration: 10.0000
>>    6. --> Source:  index_2700k.m3u8 - segment_2700k_9.ts
>>    7.
>>    8. --> Detail:  Segment duration 8.8000, Playlist duration: 10.0000
>>    9. --> Source:  index_1000k.m3u8 - segment_1000k_8.ts
>>    10.
>>    11. --> Detail:  Segment duration 8.8000, Playlist duration: 10.0000
>>    12. --> Source:  index_1300k.m3u8 - segment_1300k_8.ts
>>    13.
>>    14. --> Detail:  Segment duration 8.9200, Playlist duration: 10.0000
>>    15. --> Source:  index_600k.m3u8 - segment_600k_8.ts
>>    16.
>>    17. Error: Format change without discontinuity tag detected
>>    18. --> Detail:  (null)
>>    19. --> Source:  index_300k.m3u8 - segment_300k_9.ts
>>    20.
>>    21. --> Detail:  (null)
>>    22. --> Source:  index_2700k.m3u8 - segment_2700k_0.ts
>>    23.
>>    24. --> Detail:  (null)
>>    25. --> Source:  index_1000k.m3u8 - segment_1000k_9.ts
>>    26.
>>    27. --> Detail:  (null)
>>    28. --> Source:  index_1300k.m3u8 - segment_1300k_9.ts
>>    29.
>>    30. --> Detail:  (null)
>>    31. --> Source:  index_600k.m3u8 - segment_600k_9.ts
>> How can I fix these errors?
>> Cheers,
>> Zsolt

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