[FFmpeg-user] Gettting Error while running ffmpeg script

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Jul 24 00:43:03 EEST 2016

Am 23.07.2016 um 23:39 schrieb Moritz Barsnick:
> Yes, I too find these disclaimers totally useless, but people writing
> from a work environment often can't avoid them

well, tohsoe people can use a random freemail account instead blow out 
disclaimers longer than the messages to *public* mailing lists with 
*list archives* by definition

if i ever work somewhere as sysadmin where i am forced to add such 
idiotic disclaimers to every outgoing mail i would leave that company 
and if it's only because it breaks signed email and has no purpose at 
all when it comes at bottom *after* you have already read the message 
you must now forget in doubt

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