[FFmpeg-user] Trying to cut 5 sec of beginning and ending of mp4 files
Jim Shupert, Jr.
jshupert at theppsgroup.com
Tue Jan 19 18:38:26 CET 2016
> Hi
> I am been trying almost every combination of switches to be able to cut 5
> sec from the start and 5 sec from the ending of variable length mp4 files.
> I have not been successful at doing either. I guess I really don't
> understand the usage. I have more than 100 files to do.
> Can anyone suggest a command string that will work?
-ss position
-t duration (input/output)
When used as an input option (before -i), limit the duration of data
read from the input file
so what you really want is a sh script to loop
5 sec fro top is easy cause they all start at 0
so approx something like : and you
ffmpeg -i < inFile> -ss 05.000 -vcodec $$ -acodec $$ <outfile>
you now have outFile with the top 5 sec off
and I think you HAVE to reEncode to trim , or is that just for video
filters (-vf) ??????
or can one do -codec copy -acodec copy :: reckon I am not sure - try it
so what you really want is a sh script to loop
and you have to get the total duration in seconds
subtract 5 sec from that
start at the top and and your new duration is ( totalSec- 5 sec
try some of this
## this is NOT a fuctioning sh script but a sketch
a copy & paste from some things I *have done
It may help you get started ( or be very wrong )
i think you strat 5 sec deep
with a ss- 5
and then you want your duration [ -t ] to be 10 sec less that the running
time of the org
5 sec from top and then short another 5 - so as not all the way to end ..
### for a file 2.mp4 I get seconds
##ffprobe -i 2.mp4 -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0"
## but maybe you want to take just the whole sec
## so use some awk
cd $Src
for f in *.$etn ; do
durT=$(ffprobe -i $Src/$f -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of
echo $durT
## get the whole sec NNN of NNN.mmm
echo $durT | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'
durT1=$(echo $durT | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
echo my sec = $durT1
## yields a number like so 865
durT=$(ffprobe -i $Src/$f -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of
echo $durT
## get the whole sec NNN of NNN.mmm
echo $durT | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'
durT1=$(echo $durT | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
echo my sec = $durT1
#####-----------/ do a subtract ..tot time in sec - 10 sec
durTless10=$(($durT1 - 600))
echo $durTless10
## i think is then your -t $durTless10
ffmpeg -ss 5 -i <inFile>${f%.*}.mp4 -t $durTless10 videocodec etc etc
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