[FFmpeg-user] gracefully restart an ffmpeg stream?

Moritz Barsnick barsnick at gmx.net
Mon Jan 11 01:07:09 CET 2016

OT! :-)

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 22:58:19 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> what i have zero understanding for is that two people within a few 
> seconds writing the exactly same message with identical quoting two 
> different names

No, the second one (look at it in threaded view) by chovy,
Message-ID: <AeabrTz8l8O1MsWPFS1BOgC3r_DNvQ6qNaQVWqikcICOQ5zXBBoXDycw7eghPGFzukuSE63sFFsieH8AOpbJQQ==@protonmail.com>

is a very, VERY unfortunate quote of the first one by Claudiu,
Message-ID: <5692C81E.8020306 at misalpina.net>                                                                                                                                        

with an extra line added at the bottom. chovy has a really bad quoting
style. Probably that's what happens when you take a top-posting,
full-quoting mail client and patch your answer to the bottom instead.


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