[FFmpeg-user] How to deinterlace a 25fps (50i tff content) video with FFplay and output it as 50p?

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Fri Oct 23 19:06:17 CEST 2015

On Fri, 23 Oct 2015, Christoph Gerstbauer wrote:

>>>> I am using following syntax to deinterlace TFF
>>>> content, but I only get 25p output. How can I
>>>> force ffplay to output 50p? "-r 50" is not working.
>>>> ffplay -i test.avi -vf "yadif=0:0" -loglevel debug
>> $ ffplay test.avi -vf yadif=1
> ffplay test.avi -vf yadif=1
> does not work for me, too.

It sure does :)

Problably ffplay is dropping frames heavily because the windows sdl 
overlay output cannot handle 50fps.

Check the status line fd=x part. Try using -noframedrop to see what is 
going on.


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