[FFmpeg-user] How to capture video and audio from MacBook's camera/microphone?

Kuu Miyazaki miyazaqui at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 19:43:49 CEST 2015

> Ok then, please test without use of avfoundation devices (thus, using
> transcoding or filter sources as input). Then we will file a bug
> regarding the real issue (Opus, Opus in WebM, avfoundation & Opus or
> whatever).

I tried transcoding the vp8/vorbis file into vp9/opus.
And it's working with audible sound.

$ ffmpeg -i vp8-vorbis.webm -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus vp9-opus.webm

So, it seems that the issue occurs with the combination of
avfoundation + Webm/Opus.


2015-10-12 0:56 GMT+09:00 Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgmann at mail.de>:
> Am 11.10.15 um 16:17 schrieb Kuu Miyazaki:
>> BTW, no problem with Vobis.
>> It seems like Opus encoding issue.
>> # OK (VP8 + Vorbis)
>> $ ffmpeg -f avfoundation -video_size 320x240 -framerate 30
>> -pixel_format bgr0  -i "0:0" -c:v  libvpx -c:a libvorbis
>> vp8-vorbis.webm
>> # NG (VP9 + Opus)
>> $ ffmpeg -f avfoundation -video_size 320x240 -framerate 30
>> -pixel_format bgr0  -i "0:0" -c:v  libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus
>> vp9-opus.webm
> Ok then, please test without use of avfoundation devices (thus, using
> transcoding or filter sources as input). Then we will file a bug
> regarding the real issue (Opus, Opus in WebM, avfoundation & Opus or
> whatever).
> Thanks!
> -Thilo
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