[FFmpeg-user] Error during installation of ffmpeg

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Oct 10 12:14:09 CEST 2015

Jogh <163jogh <at> 163.com> writes:

> Since currently the configure file in ffmpeg don't 
> support mingw other than mingw32.
> ``` slice in ffmpeg/configure
> exesuf() {
>     case $1 in
>         mingw32*|win32|win64|cygwin*|*-dos|
> freedos|opendos|os/2*|symbian) echo .exe ;;
>     esac
> }

$ grep -n2 mingw64 configure
3314-exesuf() {
3315-    case $1 in
3316:        mingw32*|mingw64*|win32|win64|cygwin*|*-dos|
> freedos|opendos|os/2*|symbian) echo .exe ;;
3317-    esac

Carl Eugen

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