[FFmpeg-user] HD > SD Down-Convert Prores Color

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu May 14 18:26:53 CEST 2015

Kevin Wells <kevwells <at> hotmail.co.uk> writes:

> This does not suffer from the issue, but the colours 
> look slightly off, I have attached screen grabs.

Could you confirm that the issue you see is 
reproducible with all following command line 
indicating this is not a problem with the 
software scaler either?

$ ffmpeg -i HD_BARS.mov -an -vcodec copy out1.mov
$ ffmpeg -i HD_BARS.mov -an -vcodec v210 out2.mov
$ ffmpeg -i HD_BARS.mov -an -vcodec prores out3.mov

Thank you, Carl Eugen

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