[FFmpeg-user] How can I set in a D10 MXF (IMX50) file the flags for output color_range, -space, -transfer and primaries?

Christoph Gerstbauer christophgerstbauer at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 16:40:05 CEST 2015

The new current ffmpeg version (June 02) is writing IMX50 MXF in the 
correct way (thanks to Michael Niedermayer):

COLOR SITING=0 (SMPTE ST 377) (the value 4 is debrecated)

before this new ffmpeg version it was no set information in this flags:

At this time I make a lot of test with different IMX50 PAL files from 
different encoders (NTSC tests are following):
# ffmpeg
# ffmbc
# premiere cs6
# open cube (just wrapping)

with MXF bmx (MXFDUMP.exe) I make MXFDUMPs and analyse the different 
metadata entries in the header.
Furthermore I do the IRT Analyser test: the only files which pass the 
test are from
# FFmpeg (new, June 02)
# FFmbc (0.7)
# IRT Golden Files ;)

FFMPEG IMX50 output at mxf2raw:

MXF File Information:
   Filename                   : C:\Users\Administrator\Dropbox\FFmpeg 
Syntax Hilfen\IMX MXF\_Testbed_MXFs+DUMPs\ffmpegnew01june\imx50.mxf
   MXF version                : 1.2
   OP label                   : OP-1A (internal essence, stream file, 
   Wrapping type              : Frame
   Material package name      :
   Material start timecode    : 12:34:56:11 (@ 25fps)
   File src start timecode    : 12:34:56:11 (@ 25fps)
   Edit rate                  : 25/1
   Precharge                  : 0
   Duration                   : 9
   Rollout                    : 0
   Identifications            :
     Identification 0:
       Generation UID    : adab4424.2f254dc7.92ff29bd.000c0001
       Company name      : FFmpeg
       Product name      : OP1a Muxer
       Product version   : (not set)
       Version string    : 56.34.100
       Product UID       : adab4424.2f254dc7.92ff29bd.000c0002
       Modification date : 0-00-00 00:00:00.000
       Toolkit version   : (not set)
       Platform          : (not set)
Track 0:
   Essence kind         : Picture
   Essence type         : D10 50Mbps
   Essence label        : 060e2b34.04010101.0d010301.02010101
   Material package uid : 
   Material track id    : 2
   Material track number: 0
   File package uid     : 
   File track id        : 2
   File track number    : 0x05010100
   Edit rate            : 25/1
   Duration             : 9
   Lead filler offset   : 0
   Picture coding label : 060e2b34.04010101.04010202.01020101
   Signal standard      : 1 (ITU 601)
   Frame layout         : 1 (Separate Fields)
   Stored dimensions    : 720x608
   Display dimensions   : 720x576
   Display x offset     : 0
   Display y offset     : 32
   Aspect ratio         : 4/3
   AFD                  : (not set)
   Component depth      : 8
   Horiz subsampling    : 2
   Vert subsampling     : 1
   Color siting         : 0 (Co-siting)
Track 1:
   Essence kind         : Sound
   Essence type         : D10 AES3 PCM
   Essence label        : 060e2b34.04010101.0d010301.02010101
   Material package uid : 
   Material track id    : 3
   Material track number: 0
   File package uid     : 
   File track id        : 3
   File track number    : 0x06011000
   Edit rate            : 25/1
   Duration             : 9
   Lead filler offset   : 0
   Sampling rate        : 48000/1
   Bits per sample      : 16
   Block align          : 16
   Channel count        : 8
   D10 AES3 valid flags : 11111111b
   Sequence offset      : 0
   Locked               : true
   Audio ref level      : (not set)
   Dial norm            : (not set)


[ K = Header ( 0000000000000000 )
06.0e.2b., L =        104 (68), LL 
= 1 ]
        Major Version = 0001
        Minor Version = 0002
              KAGSize = 00000200
        ThisPartition = 0000000000000000
    PreviousPartition = 0000000000000000
      FooterPartition = 00000000002b0c00
      HeaderByteCount = 0000000000001200
       IndexByteCount = 0000000000000200
             IndexSID = 00000002
           BodyOffset = 0000000000000000
              BodySID = 00000001
  Operational Pattern = 06.0e.2b.
                      = [ 1a - Single Item, Single Package ]
    EssenceContainers = [ count =          1 ]
                    0 = 06.0e.2b.
                      = [ D-10 - 50Mbps 625/50i (defined template) ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Primer ( 0000000000000200 )
06.0e.2b., L =       1394 (572), 
LL = 3 ]
   [ Number of entries =         77, Entry size        =         18 ]
   Local Tag      UID
   3c.0a     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.05     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.06     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.09     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.0a     :    06.0e.2b.
   3b.0b     :    06.0e.2b.
   3c.09     :    06.0e.2b.
   3c.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   3c.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   3c.04     :    06.0e.2b.
   3c.05     :    06.0e.2b.
   3c.06     :    06.0e.2b.
   19.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   19.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   27.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.07     :    06.0e.2b.
   44.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   44.05     :    06.0e.2b.
   44.04     :    06.0e.2b.
   44.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   44.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   44.06     :    06.0e.2b.
   47.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   48.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   48.04     :    06.0e.2b.
   4b.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   4b.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   48.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   02.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   02.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   10.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   12.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   11.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   11.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   15.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   15.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   15.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   50.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   50.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   30.06     :    06.0e.2b.
   30.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   30.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   30.04     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.0c     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.0d     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.09     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.08     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.0b     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.0e     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.12     :    06.0e.2b.
   32.15     :    06.0e.2b.
   33.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   33.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   33.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.02     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.03     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.07     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.01     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.06     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.0b     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.0c     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.0d     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.05     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.06     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.08     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.09     :    06.0e.2b.
   3f.0a     :    06.0e.2b.
   80.00     :    06.0e.2b.
   80.07     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.09     :    06.0e.2b.
   3d.0a     :    06.0e.2b.

[ K = MXFPreface ( 0000000000000785 )
06.0e.2b., L =        146 (92), LL 
= 2 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0b 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = LastModifiedDate
   3b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Version
   3b.05, l =     2 (0002) ]
        0  01 02                                              ..
   [ k = Identifications
   3b.06, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 0c 00 00 ..).....
   [ k = ContentStorage
   3b.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0d 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = OperationalPattern
   3b.09, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 0d 01 02 01 01 01 09 00 ..+4............
   [ k = EssenceContainers
   3b.0a, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 ..........+4....
       10  0d 01 03 01 02 01 01 01 ........
   [ k = DMSchemes
   3b.0b, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

[ K = MXFIdentification ( 0000000000000829 )
06.0e.2b., L =        140 (8c), LL 
= 2 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0c 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = ThisGenerationUID
   3c.09, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0c 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = CompanyName
   3c.01, l =    14 (000e) ]
        0  00 46 00 46 00 6d 00 70 00 65 00 67 00 00 .F.F.m.p.e.g..
   [ k = ProductName
   3c.02, l =    22 (0016) ]
        0  00 4f 00 50 00 31 00 61 00 20 00 4d 00 75 00 78 .O.P.1.a. .M.u.x
       10  00 65 00 72 00 00                                  .e.r..
   [ k = VersionString
   3c.04, l =    20 (0014) ]
        0  00 35 00 36 00 2e 00 33 00 34 00 2e 00 31 00 30 .5.6...3.4...1.0
       10  00 30 00 00                                        .0..
   [ k = ProductUID
   3c.05, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0c 00 02 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = ModificationDate
   3c.06, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

[ K = MXFContentStorage ( 00000000000008c7 )
06.0e.2b., L =         92 (5c), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0d 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = Packages
   19.01, l =    40 (0028) ]
        0  00 00 00 02 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 01 00 00 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..).......D$/%M.
       20  92 ff 29 bd 00 02 00 00 ..).....
   [ k = EssenceContainerData
   19.02, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 10 00 00 ..).....

[ K = MXFMaterialPackage ( 0000000000000934 )
06.0e.2b., L =        152 (98), LL 
= 2 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 01 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = PackageUID
   44.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  06 0a 2b 34 01 01 01 05 01 01 0d 00 13 43 f1 fb ..+4.........C..
       10  52 94 71 34 c1 43 f1 fb 00 52 94 71 34 c1 43 00 R.q4.C...R.q4.C.
   [ k = PackageCreationDate
   44.05, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = PackageModifiedDate
   44.04, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Tracks
   44.03, l =    56 (0038) ]
        0  00 00 00 03 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 09 ff ff ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..).......D$/%M.
       20  92 ff 29 bd 00 09 00 00 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..).......D$/%M.
       30  92 ff 29 bd 00 09 00 01 ..).....
   [ k = Dark
   44.06, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 ........

[ K = MXFTrack ( 00000000000009de )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 09 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = TrackID
   48.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 01                                        ....
   [ k = TrackNumber
   48.04, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 00                                        ....
   [ k = EditRate
   4b.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = Origin
   4b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Sequence
   48.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 06 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFSequence ( 0000000000000a3f )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 06 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 01 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StructuralComponents
   10.01, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 04 ff ff ..).....

[ K = MXFTimecodeComponent ( 0000000000000aa0 )
06.0e.2b., L =         75 (4b), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 04 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 01 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StartTimecode
   15.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 11 47 7b ......G{
   [ k = RoundedTimecodeBase
   15.02, l =     2 (0002) ]
        0  00 19                                              ..
   [ k = DropFrame
   15.03, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  00                                                 .

[ K = MXFTrack ( 0000000000000afc )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 09 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = TrackID
   48.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 02                                        ....
   [ k = TrackNumber
   48.04, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 00                                        ....
   [ k = EditRate
   4b.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = Origin
   4b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Sequence
   48.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 06 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFSequence ( 0000000000000b5d )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 06 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StructuralComponents
   10.01, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 03 00 00 ..).....

[ K = MXFSourceClip ( 0000000000000bbe )
06.0e.2b., L =        108 (6c), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 03 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StartPosition
   12.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = SourcePackageID
   11.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  06 0a 2b 34 01 01 01 05 01 01 0d 00 13 43 f1 fb ..+4.........C..
       10  52 94 71 34 c1 43 f1 fb 00 52 94 71 34 c1 43 01 R.q4.C...R.q4.C.
   [ k = SourceTrackID
   11.02, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 02                                        ....

[ K = MXFTrack ( 0000000000000c3b )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 09 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = TrackID
   48.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 03                                        ....
   [ k = TrackNumber
   48.04, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 00                                        ....
   [ k = EditRate
   4b.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = Origin
   4b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Sequence
   48.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 06 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFSequence ( 0000000000000c9c )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 06 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 02 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StructuralComponents
   10.01, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 03 00 01 ..).....

[ K = MXFSourceClip ( 0000000000000cfd )
06.0e.2b., L =        108 (6c), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 03 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 02 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StartPosition
   12.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = SourcePackageID
   11.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  06 0a 2b 34 01 01 01 05 01 01 0d 00 13 43 f1 fb ..+4.........C..
       10  52 94 71 34 c1 43 f1 fb 00 52 94 71 34 c1 43 01 R.q4.C...R.q4.C.
   [ k = SourceTrackID
   11.02, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 03                                        ....

[ K = MXFSourcePackage ( 0000000000000d7a )
06.0e.2b., L =        172 (ac), LL 
= 2 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 02 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = PackageUID
   44.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  06 0a 2b 34 01 01 01 05 01 01 0d 00 13 43 f1 fb ..+4.........C..
       10  52 94 71 34 c1 43 f1 fb 00 52 94 71 34 c1 43 01 R.q4.C...R.q4.C.
   [ k = PackageCreationDate
   44.05, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = PackageModifiedDate
   44.04, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Tracks
   44.03, l =    56 (0038) ]
        0  00 00 00 03 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 1a ff ff ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..).......D$/%M.
       20  92 ff 29 bd 00 1a 00 00 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..).......D$/%M.
       30  92 ff 29 bd 00 1a 00 01 ..).....
   [ k = Dark
   44.06, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 ........
   [ k = Descriptor
   47.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 07 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFMultipleDescriptor ( 0000000000000e38 )
06.0e.2b., L =         96 (60), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 07 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = SampleRate
   30.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = EssenceContainer
   30.04, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 0d 01 03 01 02 01 01 01 ..+4............
   [ k = SubDescriptorUIDs
   3f.01, l =    40 (0028) ]
        0  00 00 00 02 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 0e 00 00 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..).......D$/%M.
       20  92 ff 29 bd 00 0e 00 01 ..).....

[ K = MXFTrack ( 0000000000000ea9 )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 1a ff ff ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = TrackID
   48.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 01                                        ....
   [ k = TrackNumber
   48.04, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 00                                        ....
   [ k = EditRate
   4b.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = Origin
   4b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Sequence
   48.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 17 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFSequence ( 0000000000000f0a )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 17 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 01 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StructuralComponents
   10.01, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 15 ff ff ..).....

[ K = MXFTimecodeComponent ( 0000000000000f6b )
06.0e.2b., L =         75 (4b), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 15 ff ff ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 01 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StartTimecode
   15.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 11 47 7b ......G{
   [ k = RoundedTimecodeBase
   15.02, l =     2 (0002) ]
        0  00 19                                              ..
   [ k = DropFrame
   15.03, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  00                                                 .

[ K = MXFTrack ( 0000000000000fc7 )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 1a 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = TrackID
   48.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 02                                        ....
   [ k = TrackNumber
   48.04, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  05 01 01 00                                        ....
   [ k = EditRate
   4b.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = Origin
   4b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Sequence
   48.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 17 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFSequence ( 0000000000001028 )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 17 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StructuralComponents
   10.01, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 14 00 00 ..).....

[ K = MXFSourceClip ( 0000000000001089 )
06.0e.2b., L =        108 (6c), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 14 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 01 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StartPosition
   12.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = SourcePackageID
   11.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
       10  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
   [ k = SourceTrackID
   11.02, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 00                                        ....

[ K = MXFCDCIEssenceDescriptor ( 0000000000001106 )
06.0e.2b., L =        188 (bc), LL 
= 4 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0e 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = LinkedTrackID
   30.06, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 02                                        ....
   [ k = SampleRate
   30.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = EssenceContainer
   30.04, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 0d 01 03 01 02 01 01 01 ..+4............
   [ k = StoredWidth
   32.03, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 02 d0                                        ....
   [ k = StoredHeight
   32.02, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 01 30                                        ...0
   [ k = DisplayWidth
   32.09, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 02 d0                                        ....
   [ k = DisplayHeight
   32.08, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 01 20                                        ...
   [ k = DisplayYOffset
   32.0b, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 10                                        ....
   [ k = ComponentDepth
   33.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 08                                        ....
   [ k = HorizontalSubsampling
   33.02, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 02                                        ....
   [ k = ColorSiting
   33.03, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  00                                                 .
   [ k = SignalStandard
   32.15, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  01                                                 .
   [ k = FrameLayout
   32.0c, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  01                                                 .
   [ k = VideoLineMap
   32.0d, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  00 00 00 02 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 07 00 00 01 40 ...............@
   [ k = AspectRatio
   32.0e, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 04 00 00 00 03 ........
   [ k = PictureEssenceCoding
   32.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 04 01 02 02 01 02 01 01 ..+4............
   [ k = FieldDominance
   32.12, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  01                                                 .

[ K = MXFTrack ( 00000000000011d6 )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 1a 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = TrackID
   48.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 03                                        ....
   [ k = TrackNumber
   48.04, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  06 01 10 00                                        ....
   [ k = EditRate
   4b.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = Origin
   4b.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = Sequence
   48.03, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 17 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....

[ K = MXFSequence ( 0000000000001237 )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 17 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 02 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StructuralComponents
   10.01, l =    24 (0018) ]
        0  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 ..........D$/%M.
       10  92 ff 29 bd 00 14 00 01 ..).....

[ K = MXFSourceClip ( 0000000000001298 )
06.0e.2b., L =        108 (6c), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 14 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = DataDefinition
   02.01, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 01 03 02 02 02 00 00 00 ..+4............
   [ k = Duration
   02.02, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........
   [ k = StartPosition
   12.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
   [ k = SourcePackageID
   11.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
       10  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
   [ k = SourceTrackID
   11.02, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 00                                        ....

[ K = MXFGenericSoundEssenceDescriptor ( 0000000000001315 )
06.0e.2b., L =         93 (5d), LL 
= 4 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 0e 00 01 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = LinkedTrackID
   30.06, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 03                                        ....
   [ k = SampleRate
   30.01, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = EssenceContainer
   30.04, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  06 0e 2b 34 04 01 01 01 0d 01 03 01 02 01 01 01 ..+4............
   [ k = Locked
   3d.02, l =     1 (0001) ]
        0  01                                                 .
   [ k = AudioSamplingRate
   3d.03, l =     8 (0008) ]
        0  00 00 bb 80 00 00 00 01 ........
   [ k = ChannelCount
   3d.07, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 08                                        ....
   [ k = QuantizationBits
   3d.01, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 10                                        ....

[ K = MXFEssenceContainerData ( 0000000000001386 )
06.0e.2b., L =         72 (48), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ k = InstanceUID
   3c.0a, l =    16 (0010) ]
        0  ad ab 44 24 2f 25 4d c7 92 ff 29 bd 00 10 00 00 ..D$/%M...).....
   [ k = LinkedPackageUID
   27.01, l =    32 (0020) ]
        0  06 0a 2b 34 01 01 01 05 01 01 0d 00 13 43 f1 fb ..+4.........C..
       10  52 94 71 34 c1 43 f1 fb 00 52 94 71 34 c1 43 01 R.q4.C...R.q4.C.
   [ k = BodySID
   3f.07, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 01                                        ....
   [ k = IndexSID
   3f.06, l =     4 (0004) ]
        0  00 00 00 02                                        ....

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = IndexTableSegment ( 0000000000001400 )
06.0e.2b., L =         80 (50), LL 
= 1 ]
          InstanceUID = ad.ab.44.24.2f.25.4d.c7.92.ff.29.bd.00.0f.00.00
      Index Edit Rate = (         25 /          1 )
Index Start Position = 0000000000000000
       Index Duration = 0000000000000000
Edit Unit Byte Count = 0004c600
             IndexSID = 00000002
              BodySID = 00000001

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 0000000000001600 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 477b
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 11 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000001800 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 000000000003ea00 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 000000000004dc00 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 477c
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 12 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 000000000004de00 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 000000000008b000 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 000000000009a200 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 477d
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 13 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 000000000009a400 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 00000000000d7600 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 00000000000e6800 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 477e
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 14 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 00000000000e6a00 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000123c00 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 0000000000132e00 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 477f
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 15 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000133000 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000170200 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 000000000017f400 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 4780
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 16 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 000000000017f600 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 00000000001bc800 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 00000000001cba00 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 4781
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 17 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 00000000001cbc00 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000208e00 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 0000000000218000 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 4782
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 18 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000218200 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000255400 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = SystemMetadata ( 0000000000264600 )
06.0e.2b., L =         57 (39), LL 
= 4 ]
               Bitmap = 5c
                 Rate = 04
                 Type = 00
       Channel Handle = 0000
     Continuity Count = 4783
                Label = 06.0e.2b.
        Creation Date = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            User Date = 81 19 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[ Omitted 2 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 0000000000264800 )
06.0e.2b., L =     250000 (3d090), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Picture" (05)
   Element Type   = "MPEG-2 (D10)" (01)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from     250000 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Essence Element ( 00000000002a1a00 )
06.0e.2b., L =      61444 (f004), 
LL = 4 ]
   Track          =
   Item Type      = "CP Sound" (06)
   Element Type   = "AES3" (10)
   Element Count  = 1 (01)
   Element Number = 0 (00)
[ Value truncated from      61444 bytes to          0 bytes ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = Footer ( 00000000002b0c00 )
06.0e.2b., L =        104 (68), LL 
= 1 ]
        Major Version = 0001
        Minor Version = 0002
              KAGSize = 00000200
        ThisPartition = 00000000002b0c00
    PreviousPartition = 0000000000000000
      FooterPartition = 00000000002b0c00
      HeaderByteCount = 0000000000000000
       IndexByteCount = 0000000000000000
             IndexSID = 00000000
           BodyOffset = 0000000000000000
              BodySID = 00000000
  Operational Pattern = 06.0e.2b.
                      = [ 1a - Single Item, Single Package ]
    EssenceContainers = [ count =          1 ]
                    0 = 06.0e.2b.
                      = [ D-10 - 50Mbps 625/50i (defined template) ]

[ Omitted 1 dark KLV triplets ]

[ K = RandomIndexMetadata ( 00000000002b0e00 )
06.0e.2b., L =         28 (1c), LL 
= 1 ]
   [ Number of entries =          2 ]
        Partition           SID        Offset
              0 :             1    0000000000000000
              1 :             0    00000000002b0c00
   [ Overall length =         45 ]

Best Regards

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