[FFmpeg-user] Forced Subtitles Only

petesea at frontier.com petesea at frontier.com
Fri Feb 20 04:07:18 CET 2015

On Fri, 20 Feb 2015, Nicholas Robbins wrote:

> Try adding "-forced_subs_only 1" between "-probesize 250M" and "-i"

Thanks, that worked great... at least on my 15 sec test video.   I'll try 
a full movie when I get a chance.

I did look for some kind of "forced subs" option before asking the list 
and didn't find anything.  I guess that's an undocumented option?

Is it undocumented simply because it hasn't been added to the docs yet? 
Or is there some danger in using it?  unreliable?  experimental?  etc.

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