[FFmpeg-user] a -vf for broadcast safe

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Dec 30 20:15:32 CET 2015

Dave Rice <dave <at> dericed.com> writes:

> The input file appears to be in broadcast range 
> (yuv422p or yuv444p) but contains values that are 
> not in broadcast range.

I don't understand this sentence.
Are you aware that - afaik and I am everything but 
a broadcast professional - material that conforms 
to "broadcast" is allowed to contain (a limited 
number of) samples that are outside the usual 

In any case, you will have to decide if you want 
to change the dynamics (contrast) of the image 
or if you want to clip. I had not used geq before 
but I suspect it supports clipping.
(I am not convinced you should clip though.)

For the sample command line that you provided 
there is no bug that can be fixed with another 

Carl Eugen

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