[FFmpeg-user] High Quality WEBM

jd1008 jd1008 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 20:30:23 CET 2015

On 12/22/2015 12:13 PM, Kirk Clemons wrote:
> Thank you,
> That's a big help.
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>
> wrote:
>> Am 22.12.2015 um 18:41 schrieb Kirk Clemons:
>>> Is there a recommended command for high quality webm video from a raw avi
>>> source?
>> well, there is nothing like a recommended command
>> in general it don't matter much what format the source is
>> below a log output from today
>> raie the bitrate and size, that's a automated system calculation pad to
>> reach target of 320x180 independent of the source
>> Output #0, webm, to
>> '/www/temp/94db14123a8cba39c1715e9a806d4a342a944b34.webm':
>> [video] => /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -i '/www/temp/12.m4v' -y -vb
>> '384k' -ab '96k' -bt '64k' -maxrate '480k' -ar '44100' -ac '2' -r '25' -vf
>> 'scale=320:176,setdar=16/9,pad=320:180:0:2:000000' -async '1' -vcodec
>> 'libvpx' -acodec 'vorbis' -strict 'experimental' -g '120' -level '216'
>> -profile '0' -qmax '42' -qmin '0' -slices '4' -threads '6' -metadata
>> 'creation_time=2015-12-22T14:30:40'
>> '/www/temp/94db14123a8cba39c1715e9a806d4a342a944b34.webm' >>
>> '/www/logs/ffmpeg.log' 2>> '/www/logs/ffmpeg.log'
>> [status] => Video '/www/temp/12.m4v' wurde in
>> '/www/temp/94db14123a8cba39c1715e9a806d4a342a944b34.webm' konvertiert

I would like to add

-s '1920x1080'

To the command line provided.

Is that going to really yield (or, more exactly, interpolate the input) 
to 1920x1080
and still yield sharp imaging?

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