[FFmpeg-user] can "Press [q] to stop, [?] for help" be disabled in FFmpeg.exe? Please help!

James Heliker james.heliker at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 16:53:14 CEST 2015

Hi Simon / All -

Useful to know about "-nostdin" -  I need to spend more time rtfm.

However, update on my issue: I'm not sure where the bug lies, but I was 
incorrect about stdin being the problem. It was a coincidence that 
PAExec crashed near when "Press [q] to stop..." was output from FFmpeg.

By passing "-loglevel error" (or above), and passing "-hide_banner", 
PAExec no longer crashes and I'm able to automate FFmpeg as needed. I 
can only assume there are some interesting characters that I'm avoiding 
printing out from FFmpeg, that crash PAExec.

For anyone that's interested, I'm also passing "-stats" so that I still 
can track progress from stderr.

- James

On 4/24/2015 4:50 PM, Simon Thelen wrote:
> On 15-04-24 at 16:06, James Heliker wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'm trying to automate the calling of FFmpeg via Windows command line,
>> and everything is working well until FFmpeg actually begins an encode
>> and prints out: "Press [q] to stop, [?] for help"
>> Is it possible to disable that functionality that seems to be re-opening
>> a stream somehow? It is crashing everything I have tried to use, even
>> sysinternals' PSExec and the lesser-known PAExec counterpart
>> (http://www.poweradmin.com/paexec/).
>> It believe things would be perfect if I could somehow get FFmpeg to run
>> without doing that extra "listen" for whether I want to push "q" or "?"...
>> Complete, uncut output below:
> [..]
> You can get ffmpeg to not listen on stdin with -nostdin.
> Is that what you were looking for?

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