[FFmpeg-user] Encoding 3gp6 with MPEG-4 Visual and Simple at L1

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Sep 16 17:16:40 CEST 2014

Curtis Farnham <curtis <at> farnhamtech.com> writes:

> > What is the difference between 3gp4 and 3gp6?
> I’m not really sure.  If I use "-vcodec libx264", 
> I get 3gp6, and if I use "-vcodec mpeg4", I get 3gp4.

Yes, of course!
H.264 is not allowed in 3gp4.

> But if I do libx264, I can’t get MPEG-4 Visual

Of course: It would be a serious bug otherwise.

My question is: Why do you want "3gp6" for content 
that actually confirms to "3gp4" - theoretically 
breaking playback on other (older) devices.

As said: Please test if "3gp6" really makes a 
difference and report back.

Please do not top-post here, it is considered 

Carl Eugen

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