[FFmpeg-user] What is the difference between versions of ffmpeg?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sat Oct 4 23:42:16 CEST 2014

Am 04.10.2014 um 23:32 schrieb skyscanner at gmx.ca:
> Just because I can see what I typed doesn't mean I can fix it.  Case in point, when I installed ffmpeg (or libav masquerading as ffmpeg) from the Debian repository, it brought in a whole bunch of useless dependencies that I now realize I don't need.  But removing that version of ffmpeg didn't get rid of them, so now I am stuck with them.

no you are not and honestly wonder that Debian/Ubuntu don't remove them 
since it is a repeated flame against RPM based distribution that they 
don't (which is not true, yum do for a long time if configured correctly 
as well as "package-cleanup --leaves" lists all packages which can be 
removed because nothing else depends on them and after remove the first 
one it offers other "freed" packages)

put "clean_requirements_on_remove=1" in /etc/yum.conf on 
RHEL/CentOS/Fedora as exmaple is the key that if you install package a) 
which pulls in b, c, d, e, f and 1 hour later you decide to remove a) 
the others are automatically selected to be removed until no other 
package you installed in the meantime requires them


>> cick on a button and you have no clue what happens behind the scenes and
>> if it does not end in a result you like nobody probably knows the state
>> of whatever to offer help
> I can't think of any instance where that has actually happened to me unless I stupidly clicked the wrong button.
>> as it is the users list i am just a user
> So why are you so interested in keeping the static builds hidden from Linux users?

i am not interested - honestly i don't care
my RPM SEPC is fine and i just put an new tarball there and rebuild

>> * the project don't offer any binary
>> * so there is no binary download
>> * your question was "where to get a binary"
> Now you are putting words in my mouth, figuratively speaking.  I would have NEVER used the word "binary" in that way.  In fact I would not have known to ask for a static build prior to this thread.
> Anyway, if the project doesn't offer it then what exactly is being offered to OS X users?

just a link to somebody who builds it

>> * the answer is: whereever someone has taken the source, built one
> offered the result for others
> And when someone does that, IMHO it ought to be linked to from the download page, unless there is some compelling reason not to.
>> no need to consider get banned by speaking frank - hopefully.
> You would be surprised what little bit of disagreement it takes to get you banned in some forums

i am not - but i don#t support that attitude :-)

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