[FFmpeg-user] Text colors in the output window of FFmpeg

Heinz Berecz Heinz.Berecz at gmx.de
Mon Jun 23 13:17:31 CEST 2014

Thank you for your answer. You are right, time= is not more important 
than frame= or fps=.
But I think 'Duration:' is more important, because it is an indicator 
for the remaning time.
Therefore I propose to change the color of the entrie 'Duration:' and 
the following value hh:mm:ss.ms to e.g. magenta and/or font-weight bold.
Best regards,
Heinz Berecz

Am 20.06.2014 20:15, schrieb Lou:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2014 11:47:02 +0200
> Heinz Berecz <Heinz.Berecz at gmx.de> wrote:
>> I would like to propose to change the color of the entries 'Duration:'
>> and 'time=' and the following values to red
>> so that one can see the proportion of the already coded stream at a glance.
>> Best regards,
>> Heinz Berecz
> Red is reserved for errors.
> Then there is the question of "equality". What makes time= more
> important than frame= or fps=? Other might want these colored instead.
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