[FFmpeg-user] Drawing colored text on black and white jpgs

Zack Thevenot zack924 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 16 20:36:06 CEST 2014

I am trying to draw red text on the corners of a colorless jpg image using the drawtext filter, but the text is also coming out colorless in the output file.  I'm sure there is a simple fix for this (hopefully).  My hunch is that the jpg format is forcing everything in the file to be colorless, but I don't know what to change

I tried with several other colors as well.  Here is my command and log file

ffmpeg -i .input.jpg -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/Windows/Fonts/Tahoma.ttf:fontcolor=red:text='100':x=main_w-text_w:y=main_h-text_h,
drawtext=fontfile=/Windows/Fonts/Tahoma.ttf:fontcolor=yellow:text='200':x=0:y=main_h-text_h"  output2.jpg
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