[FFmpeg-user] Possibility to dump AVCodecContext, AVFormatContext fields for a command line?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Fri Jul 18 18:32:12 CEST 2014

Robert Krüger <krueger <at> lesspain.de> writes:

> >> is there any way to see the AVCodecContext, AVFormatContext fields
> >> used for a given command line other than using a debugger? Maybe a
> >> compile flag of some sort?
> >
> > It is currently not easily possible but could you explain your
> > usecase?
> > This would make a patch more likely imo.
> >
> The use case is simply when working with the api doing 
> encoding/muxing and running into a problem in many 
> cases the key is some field value in one of those 
> contexts not being set correctly, where correctly is
> not always obvious (see the posting on libav-user 
> yesterday where you helped me).

I don't think this new feature would have helped you 
in that case.

I am a little surprised that you always mention 
gdb, I personally find printf much easier to use.
(But that may be just me.)

I suggest you write a patch yourself, it should be 
trivial and you probably learn something about 
FFmpeg internals.

Carl Eugen

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