[FFmpeg-user] Raspberry Pi to YouTube Live

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Mon Jan 27 15:58:37 CET 2014

Daryll Strauss <daryll.strauss <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Sorry to step on peoples toes Lou.

On the contrary, we are here to help you!
The administrator of the Debian "ffmpeg" packet will not 
tell you that avconv contains several hundred known, 
user-reported bugs not present in FFmpeg, he will not 
tell you about the many (known!) security-relevant 
issues in avconv that nobody cares about and I find it 
unlikely that he is going to tell you what happens with 
bug reports and enhancement requests for avconv...

Please do not top-post here, Carl Eugen

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