[FFmpeg-user] Questions about w3fdif deinterlacing

Andy Furniss adf.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 21:18:16 CET 2014

Seth Parker wrote:

> Then I came across the recently released w3fdif filter which has an
> "interlaced" option that the ffmpeg documentation describes as,
> "Only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced." However, I can't find
> any more documentation on how exactly that works and whether or not
> its interlaced detection is good enough for the sort of batch
> processing I need to do. Can anyone elaborate on this filter and its
> usage?

Only as a user that once briefly tested the same option with yadif.

If the video is flagged per frame as interlaced / progressive then it
appeared to respect that.

The BBC broadcast their DVB-T2 HD H264 like this in the UK, and ffprobe
-show_frames will report interlaced or progressive per frame.

Some programs are a real mix, more often the content is all progressive
and then the credits at the end interlaced.

In my test I used yadif=1 so field rate like w3fdif produces and the
result is then a mixed rate video.

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