[FFmpeg-user] Strange CPU usage in MPEG2 encoding

SF sylvain at lahiette.com
Wed Aug 13 14:17:45 CEST 2014

Le mardi 12 août 2014, 16:34:18 Carl Eugen Hoyos a écrit :
> SF <sylvain <at> lahiette.com> writes:
> > *  If i add "maxrate" and "bufsize" options, then 
> > it varies between 5 ms and 80ms (yes !) for the 
> > same video sequence. 
> > It seems to be related to movement in the scene, 
> > but i do not see the relationship between the 
> > maxrate/bufsize parameters and the movement.
> I don't know much about motion compensation and rate 
> control but I find the relationship unavoidable.

Yes, i understand the relationship, but with such variations, i do 
not understand.

> Is the performance issue you see reproducible with 
> "ffmpeg" (the application)?

Here is the equivalent FFMPEG command : 
./ffmpeg -loglevel debug -f v4l2 -re -i /dev/video0 -vcodec mpeg2video -pix_fmt yuv420p
 -s 704x576 -r 25 -b:v 2500k -maxrate 3000k -bufsize 2700k  -threads 1 
-f mpegts -muxrate 2550k udp://

FFMPEG is consuming approx. 9% of the CPU, which seems OK for me. 

If i provide the same parameters by calling directly libavcodec/libavformat, 
it uses 30% of the CPU. After investigation, encoding an intra takes more than
40 ms ( !!!) and approx. 18ms for P pictures. I checked the values in AVCodecContext
between what is set by FFMPEG and what i set in my application and i see no differences.

Any idea what can cause this CPU over-consumption when encoding I frames ?

Thanks, Sylvain.

> Carl Eugen
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