[FFmpeg-user] deprecated methods/ functions

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Sep 21 10:10:16 CEST 2013

Jayakumar Satri <JS00123073 <at> TechMahindra.com> writes:

> I am compiling the doubnago SIP telepresence system, which 
> has a dependency on ffmpeg. I am getting the following 
> deprecated errors during the compilation. Please suggest 
> as to how I can overcome these.

This may be the wrong mailing list, but in any case, 
you only posted warnings (that are not errors) but 
not the actual reason for the compilation problem.


> Disclaimer:  This message and the information contained 
> herein is proprietary and confidential

Please understand that this makes no sense when posting 
on a public (and mirrored) mailing list.

Carl Eugen

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