[FFmpeg-user] aspect ratio changes in the middle of the stream

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Sep 8 22:23:27 CEST 2013

littlebat <dashing.meng <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I doubt if there is a container format or video 
> codec can has variable aspect in one video stream.

With DVB, aspect ratio changes are not just allowed, 
they happen regularly if you receive programs that 
often show "old" (a few years) programs (Early two 
and a half man seasons) with intermittent 
commercial breaks.

We have samples with changing resolutions though 
which is rarer afaik.

(DVB == mpegts containing MPEG2 or H264)

> I don't suppose the player how to treat this
> situation.

MPlayer plays it fine, I would be surprised if 
WMP has any problems with it.

Carl Eugen

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