[FFmpeg-user] Syntax request for -vf to copy /pass through video stream

David Favor david at davidfavor.com
Thu Oct 31 18:31:59 CET 2013

Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> On date Thursday 2013-10-31 12:20:26 -0500, David Favor wrote:
> [...]
>> + ffmpeg -y -i broken.mp4 -c:a copy -vf copy -vf setdar=dar=0 -vf setsar=sar=0 -t 10 vfcopy.mp4
> This command is broken in several ways, first you can't copy and
> filter at the same time, and multiple -vf a -vf b -vf c have the
> effect of the last -vf command (in this case -vf c).
> Please understand the meaning of the syntax and that you *CAN'T* copy
> a stream and filter it at the same time.

So -v:c copy and -vf copy are effectively the same.

So there's no real way to copy (bit for bit) a video stream and change SAR or DAR...


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