[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg can generate raw stream but can't read it

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Nov 10 21:42:36 CET 2013

Massimo Battistel <battistel <at> gmail.com> writes:

> 1. Why is it possible to generate raw stream if it can't be read?

iirc, I sent a patch once, I don't remember what was bad about it.

> 2. Does transport stream support any uncompressed or loseless codec?

x264 and libschroedinger come to mind without any research.

> 3. Probably in this wiki https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How 
> to capture a lightning (thunderbolt) with FFmpeg
> there is a not working command line


1) It is a wiki (I guess you know what that means)
2) It is from users for users (I don't think developers write a lot there)
3) [self-censored]

Carl Eugen

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