[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg, webm and Firefox

Hartmut spieluhr at ewetel.net
Fri May 24 21:12:35 CEST 2013

I get my ffmpeg-packages from packman and I informed Carl, that I'm not 
a compiling-type. What I want from the developers, is something like: 
"Yes, it is like you told us and we are working on it" or "We can not 
confirm that" or "We already know but it does not bother us" or "We 
found the bug and fixed it" or so. If the last message arives, then I 
will inform packman, until then I will wait. The developers of FFMpeg 
can not ignore Firefox ...



Am 24.05.2013 10:49, schrieb Tom Evans:
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Hartmut <spieluhr at ewetel.net> wrote:
>> I think you are right with Firefox and Chrome. And that doesn't irritate the
>> developers of ffmpeg ...
>> Hartmut
> Carl informed you that the version of ffmpeg you are using is too old.
> Have you updated to the latest version and verified this bug even
> exists still?
> If you're not willing to do any work to fix a problem you are
> reporting, why should anyone else?
> Cheers
> Tom
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