[FFmpeg-user] About license of FFmpeg

Duong Tuan Dat (FSU15.BU3) DatDT4 at fsoft.com.vn
Thu May 16 12:46:15 CEST 2013

Dear FFmpeg,

I want to develop an application that uses FFmpeg, but I have not been clear about license of FFmpeg yet.
So please help me with this question:

I use FFmpeg to mux a video and an audio file together by calling FFmpeg.exe in my application (create new process for FFmpeg.exe and input command line to it).
I have not modify anything of FFmpeg.exe.
Can I use my application for commercial purpose? If I can, is there anything  I have to do to not violate the license?
Please give us the answer in 2 cases:

(1)    FFmpeg is built with "--enable-gpl" or  "--enable-nonfree" (ex: download from http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/)

(2)    FFmpeg is built without  "--enable-gpl" and  "--enable-nonfree".
I understand that FFmpeg is under GPL in case (1), LGPL in case (2)? Is that true?

Thank you very much for your support.
Best Regards,

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