[FFmpeg-user] adding an ac3 stream to an a/v stream

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Mar 31 00:19:12 CET 2013

Andrew RT <andrew2012 <at> flight.us> writes:

> AFAICT (correct me if i'm wrong), the "-acodec copy" 
> and similar options are obsolete


> as well as "-newaudio" and things like that.

-new* does not exist anymore for two years.

> So, one command I found did not throw any errors, but 
> the result is a file with static/buzzing audio:
> ffmpeg -i myvideo.avi -i extra_audio.ac3  -map 0:0 
> -map 0:1 -map 1:0  -codec:v:0 copy -codec:a:0 copy
> -codec:a:1 copy  muxed_output.avi

Please provide the complete, uncut console output.

Carl Eugen

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