[FFmpeg-user] multple video filters in a single pass
gheine at mathnmaps.com
gheine at mathnmaps.com
Mon Mar 4 23:56:33 CET 2013
Hello -
Using ffmpeg version git-2012-10-26-9f36ec6 .
I have a video (from a camera turned sideways), dimensions 1920x1080.
goal is to combine it with some other videos and write to NTSC-DVD.
Was able to rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise and scale it to
(the largest size that preserves the 1080x1920 aspect ratio and fits
an NTSC standard 720x480 frame):
ffmpeg -i IMG_0036.MOV -vf "scale=480:270,transpose=2" -acodec copy
I then wanted to overlay this against the middle of a blank 720x480
convert -size 720x480 xc:brown4 bg.png
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i bg.png -vcodec png -t 2 bg.mkv
ffmpeg -i bg.mkv -vf "movie=tmp.mkv [bg]; [in][bg]
overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:0 [out]" out.mkv
This works, but is there a way to combine the rotate, scale, and
overlay filters in a single command?
Have tried things like
ffmpeg -i IMG_0036.MOV -i bg.mkv -vf:0:v
"scale=480:270,transpose=2[out]" -filter_complex '[1:v] scale=480:270,
transpose=2[new]; [1:v][new]overlay=0:0' -acodec copy output.mkv
but either get the overlay backwards (the blank file on top, obscuring
the other video) or messages about the overlay area being the wrong
Seems like a simple problem, but can't seem to get it right. Any help
would be appreciated.
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