[FFmpeg-user] Sony XAVC transcoding

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Jun 19 09:49:52 CEST 2013

Wayne Poll <WPoll <at> nhnz.tv> writes:

> The actual problem turned out to be Quick Time, which 
> is misreporting the actual output from ffmpeg.

I am not so sure.
FFmpeg does mark the second to the eighth audio stream 
"mute" (actually non-default) because this is what most
users need: They mix several language tracks into one 
mov file and they are unhappy if all languages are 
played together which is what QuickTime does if they 
are all set to "default" (which is what you need).
Your original report was correct afaict.
My question is: Why is amerge not working for your use 
case? (Note that you would have to add an option to 
make all tracks default in any case, imo we should not 
change the current default case. The option does not 
exist yet, mostly because I still don't understand 
the use case completely.)

Carl Eugen

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