[FFmpeg-user] JPEG to MP4 (or WMV)

fatalaccidents thefatalaccidents at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 21:41:55 CEST 2013

Hello all, 

I have been trying to convert a batch of jpg's to an mp4 using the command: 

cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -r 10 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec copy 

Here is the first JPG.  Notice the three dark spots in the road near the

The resulting video is white washed :( It is very important for the movie to
have the colors very very close to being what is seen in the jpg's.  I'm
actually converting it into a wmv with the command: 

ffmpeg -i %s.mp4 -c:v wmv2 -b:v 20M -s 720x720 -c:a wmav2 -b:a 192k %s.wmv

So it would be an added bonus if I could go from the jpg to the wmv in one
step, but not necessary.  I've tried a lot of the pix_fmt options, and they
all seem to produce the same movie (I may be using it incorrectly).  Any
help would be greatly appreciated!  Here is a screenshot of the first jpg in
the movie, notice you can't see any circles on the ground and the colors are
slightly different:


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