[FFmpeg-user] transcode / segment h.264 aac audio

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Jan 27 09:44:43 CET 2013

Joel B <onephatcat <at> earthlink.net> writes:

> I have a version of ffmpeg that is distributed with Subsonic server

Then consider asking Subsonic server distributor for support.


> /Library/Application Support/Subsonic/transcode/ffmpeg 
> -ss 560 -t 10 -i
> /Users/admin2/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/aMOVIES/Day of the
> -async 1 -b 553k -s 536x240 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -v 0 
> -f mpegts -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac_latm 
> -preset superfast -threads 0 -

Complete, uncut console output (without -v 0) missing.

Carl Eugen

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