[FFmpeg-user] Convert mp4 to DVD useable format?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Jan 26 17:27:34 CET 2013

. <peace <at> AleksandrSolzhenitsyn.net> writes:

> video quality is acceptable but there's a buzzing 
> audio heard. The real audio track is intelligible
> but there's still the buzzing sound.
> Mine <at> Mine-mmm:~/Videos/TTS$ ffmpeg -i bia.mp4 
> -target ntsc-dvd -preset ultrafast bia.vob
> ffmpeg version git-2012-06-29-c103dc0

This looks a little outdated, if your problem is 
reproducible with git head (or a released version), 
please provide an input sample.

Carl Eugen

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