[FFmpeg-user] Using *.SUP (subpicture) files with ffmpeg

Dan Hentschel dan at hentschels.com
Sat Jan 19 00:42:17 CET 2013

> I expect you will be able to detect the subtitle stream with something
like -probesize 2G -analyzeduration 2G

Thank you very much. That gave me exactly what I needed.

> But if you could provide a few seconds of the evo (including visible
subtitle) and the corresponding sup file


Let me know if that is going to work for you. Thank you again for your help.

 - dan

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at> wrote:

> Dan Hentschel <dan <at> hentschels.com> writes:
> > [mpeg @ 0x9a04540] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5004667
> I expect you will be able to detect the
> subtitle stream with something like
> -probesize 2G -analyzeduration 2G
> (The numbers I use in the example will
> lead to an extreme time-consuming scan
> of the whole file, smaller values will
> also work).
> But if you could provide a few seconds
> of the evo (including visible subtitle)
> and the corresponding sup file, it
> would also be possible to implement a
> sup demuxer (I suspect).
> Carl Eugen
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dan B hentschel
dan at hentschels.com

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