[FFmpeg-user] Reset Timestamps for mp4 Video Segments

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Jan 17 09:26:47 CET 2013

Jeremy Whitaker <jeremywhitaker91 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> it seems like the option "-reset_timestamps" was added 
> in to address this exact issue.

> Unfortunately, when I try this option I get an error 
> saying that the PTS is less than ( < ) the DTS.

I tested this here with a random input sample and 
-vcodec mpeg4 and it works fine (including vlc playback), 
please test without external libraries (x264) and report 

Carl Eugen

$ ffmpeg -i input -vcodec mpeg4 -qscale 2 -an -f segment 
-map 0 -reset_timestamps 1 out%2d.mov

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