[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg-opus from start to finish
mark edwards
edwardsmarkf at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 02:24:23 CET 2013
hello all -
first off, let me offer a special thank you to all, especially carl and
bat-guano for persevering with my newbie questions, most probably seemed
pretty silly.
i wanted to make sure i could repeat this install, so i started from
scratch. the steps i want through are below.
any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated. and maybe a newbie
such as myself could benefit from this.
*opus-ffmpeg on CentOS linux *
on my windows-7 amd box:
first, grab a CentOS iso file:
next, download and install virtualbox:
when after creating the new virtual machine, go into settings and point the
CD device to the CentOS iso file from step one and install CentOS on the
from the command line:
yum --assumeyes update;
yum --assumeyes install libtool ;
yum --assumeyes install git;
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ ;
export LIBPATH=/usr/local/lib/ ;
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ ;
####### y a s m #######
cd ~ ;
rm -Rf ./yasm ;
git clone git://github.com/yasm/yasm.git yasm ;
cd ./yasm;
./autogen.sh ;
./configure ;
make && make install ;
##### o p u s ######
cd ~ ;
rm -Rf ./opus;
git clone git://git.opus-codec.org/opus.git opus ;
cd opus ;
./autogen.sh ;
./configure --disable-flac ;
make check;
make install;
###### f f m p e g ######
cd ~ ;
rm -Rf ./ffmpeg ;
git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg ;
cd ffmpeg ;
./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-libopus && make
V=1 > make-results2.txt ;
make ;
curl http://edwardsmarkf.com/bat-guano.wav >bat-guano.wav ; ## get a
test file...
./ffmpeg -i ./bat-guano.wav -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ar 48000 -ac 2
./ffmpeg -i ./bat-guano.wav -acodec libopus -ab 64k -ar 48000 -ac 2
./bat-guano.opus ;
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