[FFmpeg-user] generating jpgs and sound at the same time problem with specific inputs

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Mon Feb 25 22:31:30 CET 2013

Kostas Psimoulis <rondinos <at> hotmail.com> writes:

> ffmpeg command:ffmpeg -y -f flv 
> -i rtmp:// live=1
> -analyzeduration 0 -q:v 2 -r 15 
> /home/user/camera/living_room/%d.jpg -analyzeduration 1

Without looking at the fine documentation, I strongly 
suspect that analyzeduration is a global option and 
cannot be specified more than once (in a useful manner).

Generally, to get support on this mailing list, please 
always post the command line you tried together with 
the complete, uncut console output, never post the 
command line alone.

Carl Eugen

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